Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Another salvo in the math wars

Charles Ungerleider, Professor Emeritus of Education, The University of British Columbia [permission granted to reproduce if authorship acknowledged]

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s pledge to eliminate inquiry oriented math (sometimes referred to pejoratively as “discovery math”) is one of the most recent volleys in the mathematics war. Ford’s pledge, made in the heat of an election campaign, politicized a long-simmering argument about the teaching and learning of mathematics.
In 1999 - many scientists, mathematicians, and educators in the US signed an open letter published in the Washington Post. They called into question ten mathematics programs considered exemplary by the U.S. Department of Education. The letter was written in part because parents had beseeched its author, David Klein, to help them do something about the way mathematics was being taught.
In April of the following year Klein wrote an article in the April 2000 issue of the American School Board Journal, accusing the U.S. Department of Education of promoting programs that de-­emphasized arithmetic and algebra. Klein compared mathematics to martial arts and music. “A novice cannot hope to achieve mastery in the martial arts without first learning basic katas or exercises in movement,” argued Klein. “A violinist who has not mastered elementary bowing techniques and vibrato has no hope of evoking the emotions of an audience through sonorous tones and elegant phrasing. Arguably the most hierarchical of human endeavors, mathematics also depends on sequential mastery of basic skills.”
Preferring evidence to emotion, my colleagues and I recently reviewed a segment of the vast literature devoted to mathematics that addressed the question “What are effective instructional practices in K-12 mathematics education?” The research we examined* indicates that direct or explicit instruction has a positive impact on mathematics performance and achievement. When teachers provide students with explicit step-by-step instructions about how to use problem solving strategies, paired with extensive practice, learning outcomes are positive across age groups and student populations.
The effectiveness of teacher-facilitated instruction and inquiry-based mathematics is less conclusive. While the effects seem to be positive, they also tend to be small. Some authors suggest that authentic problem solving and facilitated learning may be effective after students have learned foundational concepts and procedures. 
David Robitaille, the Canadian study director for the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, a collaborative effort of forty-two nations, agrees with the critics who say students need to know the basics. “You can’t be comfortable doing mathematics if you have to think about what seven times eight is. And you shouldn’t need to use a calculator to estimate the cost of several purchases at a store.” He argues that students need to develop good “number sense” and a high level of comfort with numbers and how they work. On the other hand, Robitaille says that students do not need to do worksheets of long division with multi-digit dividends and divisors.
Other practices that affect achievement include peer-assisted learning, the use of visuals and manipulatives, and the provision of feedback to teachers and students about their progress. Peer-assisted learning has a consistent positive effect on achievement and performance, but the magnitude of the impact differs across studies. Providing feedback to students also tends to improve mathematics achievement, though the magnitude of the effect also varies. Visuals and manipulatives can be effective, but their effect seems to be limited to specific types of skills (e.g., retention and problem solving) and requires carefully planned and executed instruction.
There is a range of instructional programs for teaching mathematics. The evidence seems to favour those that focus on one specific math content area rather than those that focus on multiple content areas. The instructional techniques found to be effective for students with special needs are much the same as the techniques that have been found to be successful for students without special needs. Direct instruction (explicit instruction) seems to be particularly effective with this population.
I lament the politicization of mathematics instruction or instruction in any subject because it encourages people to choose sides depending upon the personalities involved and the emotions those personalities evoke rather than considering the evidence. When the evidence is ignored it is to the detriment of everyone, but especially students and teachers.

* A list of the references that informed our judgments about effective instructional practices in mathematics is available upon request. Please send an email to