Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A focus on low-performing students produces better system outcomes and greater equity

Charles Ungerleider, Professor Emeritus of Education, The University of British Columbia

[permission granted to reproduce if authorship acknowledged]

In last week’s blog post, I tried to draw attention to other ways of calculating how well a school’s student population is performing. This blog makes the case that how we calculate performance reflects what we value. I argue that we should place greater value on improving the performance of low-performing students because doing so will produce better outcomes for them, for the communities in which they live, and for society.

To save you the effort of clicking to the earlier blog, let me explain that I contrasted two approaches.  One approach was to create a “performance index” by calculating the percentage of students in a school who had achieved or exceeded a “provincial standard” in a jurisdiction. This adopts what I called a levels approach. I explained that, in a levels approach, the score or grade a student earns on some assessment indicates that: the student has not begun learning or was excused from the assessment (level 0); has begun learning but hasn’t made much progress (level 1); is progressing but is not quite at grade level (level 2); is firmly performing at grade level (level 3); or is exceeding the expected performance for students at the grade level (level 4). The levels approach is the same as assigning grades (A, B, C, D, F). 

The problem with this approach is that it ignores what is happening for students in levels 0 and 1. If, for example, school performance is measured by changes in the performance index over time  it is reasonable to consider students who move from level 0 to level 1 and students who move from level 1 to level 2.  As a way of including these students in the performance index I offered the idea of a weighted mean. What I meant by a weighted mean is that I multiplied the number of students at each level by the value of the level achieved (level 0, level 1, level 2, level 3, or level 4), adding the products together, and dividing the sum of those products by the sum of all the students assessed including the students below level one and the students excused from the assessment.

I compared calculating the percentage of students in a school meeting or exceeding the provincial standard with the calculation of a weighted mean. I illustrated how using weighted means provides more information about the performance of students in a school than simply reporting the percentage at or above some level. In my illustration, I created 8 fictional schools in which the proportion of students at or above level 3 was 75% and varied the proportions of students performing below level 3.

This approach showed more clearly the mathematical differences among schools that had the same proportion of students meeting the provincial standard. I argued that the differences conveyed a more subtle and complete picture of student performance.

Let’s go one step further. In the weighted mean I calculated, the weights were the percentage of students in each level. Instead of the weights I assigned in my illustration, imagine that I have assigned greater weight to bringing students from level 0 to level 1, from level 1 to level 2, and from level 2 to level 3. (The weights still must add to 1.) I assign those weights because, I place a greater value on teaching a student who does not know how to read, for example, to read at a rudimentary level or teaching a rudimentary reader to read competently than I do on teaching a competent reader to excel. If one wants to improve the overall performance of an educational system, focusing on the low-performing students is the effective and the most equitable pathway.

I make this argument knowing that, on average, low-performing students come from less affluent backgrounds, have fewer family and community supports, and, if they remain low-performing, are more likely to drop out of school. If low performing students complete school, they are less likely to go on to further education, will have more precarious employment, earn less, pay less tax, and be more likely to have children who suffered from the same disadvantages as they did.

Breaking this cycle by focusing on improving their performance is a benefit to them, to the communities in which they reside, and to society.  

Happy holidays . . . see you in 2020, Charles